Archives Vol. 5

More old shit! I know yall love it. This time I wanted to show some of my old sketchbook drawings. I randomly go through phases when I want to to work in my sketchbook. Usually after a new move or when Im about to move again. I got a new scanner so I was ableContinue reading "Archives Vol. 5"

Photo Diary Vol. 17

Meow. Still living in crazy times. Only up for here. I've been trying to have some fun while staying away from as many humans as possible. Upstate is a nice vibe. I've been slowly working on new pieces. I also started shooting film again. I spent so much time buying business stuff, I forgot toContinue reading "Photo Diary Vol. 17"

M.Alicia Studio – Services & Products

Ya girl is out here. I miss shooting and creating for clients. So I've spent the last month trying to figure out a safe way for me to start shooing again. I'm offering remote and social distancing shoots. The later is pretty self explanatory, shooting from a distance. From August till the end September, outdoorsContinue reading "M.Alicia Studio – Services & Products"

Archives Vol. 4

Last year, I started posting old work from the last 10 years. I thought I'd continue that. There are a lot of different kinds of work I do that I've never really shown publicly. I think I'm ready now. Plus, I'm working on new pieces and shoots so I want to remind y'all who IContinue reading "Archives Vol. 4"

What Should I Paint pt. 3

Hey, hope yall are doing and managing in these trying times. I have found a nice balance between sleeping and painting and working. It only took a month (my whole life tbh) but I'm here and it's pretty chill. I've barely worked on the larger canvases in the last post. I got some 8x10 boardContinue reading "What Should I Paint pt. 3"

Photo Diary Vol. 15

Happy Social Distancing! Hope yall got yall masks and are only leaving for important stuff and not to have parties. The end is nye and I'm ready. Any excuse to stay home and do nothing I'm down for. I was built for this. Karen and Tom buying up everything at Wegmans I been spending lotsContinue reading "Photo Diary Vol. 15"

Self Portrait Study 001

Hey. Hope yall are managing the best y'all can during this time. Its rough, I know. Be gentle with yourself. Anywho, I have been working on some self portraits. When I stated, I use to always use myself as a muse. I got more comfortable shooting other humans and would only so self portraits whenContinue reading "Self Portrait Study 001"

What should I paint? pt. 2

So about a year ago, I made a post showing my progress on some new pieces I was working on. I think I'm gonna make this a regular blog topic, since I plan on working more on my paintings. About two weeks ago, I got sick with a sinus infection. Then the rona outbreak happenedContinue reading "What should I paint? pt. 2"

Photo Diary Vol. 14

14 is one of my favorite numbers. And this will be the most melancholy diary entry ever. I have spent the first three months of the year working on my studio, Ulysses Art Studio & Gallery. With all these super moons and retrogrades and life changes, I honestly haven't done much shooting. I have beenContinue reading "Photo Diary Vol. 14"